Frequently Asked Questions

Why are children not allowed in the spa?

Children are NOT allowed in the SPA for safety reasons! Keep in mind a person who weighs 150 lbs sitting in a 104 degree Hot Tub, their core body temperature will rise to 102 degrees in 15 minutes. If this rule continues to be ignored the Spa will become an “Adult only (18 and up)”.

When does the Pool open and close?

The Pool is regularly scheduled to open Memorial weekend and close Labor Day weekend.  However, if weather permits and scheduling we try to open earlier and close later pending weather. 

Why was the building of the Recreation Center and Pool delayed, when it was promised before Filing 2?

Per the approved ODP (Overall Development Plan) the rec center must be complete with pool, prior to permits for Filing 4.  However, the current schedule is for the clubhouse to be completed in 2017 and the pool in 2018.

Will the original plans to build trails behind Phase one still be built, if so what would be the time schedule?

​The trail system and structure fall under the responsibility of the Developer and the District will be responsible for the maintenance once completed.  Currently the Developer is planning to build the trails as part of Ventana South Development.

Cars speeding through the neighborhood is a concern, can there be speed bumps placed throughout, either temporary or permanent?

No. The City of Fountain will not allow for this construction since the roads are publicly owned by the City of Fountain.

What are the plans on developing a secondary access point for the neighborhood, and if there are none can we get a secondary access point?

This issue has been brought to the attention of the developer and builder.  There is an additional entry point being built as Ventana South Development. 

Is the Park area made public to all Fountain Residents?

Yes, the park is made for Public use.

Is the park going to be available to have soccer games?

The primary issue for games would be parking for events.  Sports practice would not pose a problem, it would just be based on a first come first serve basis.

What is the fee for the Fountain Residents versus the Ventana Metropolitan District Residents to join as members for the Recreation Center?

The fee will be $600.00 annually that will be paid in full at sign up for Fountain Residents.

When will the next Board Elections occur?

The next election is May 3, 2022, with two Board Members up for election.  All election cycles are the first Tuesday following the first Monday of May on odd-numbered years, this is the last even-year election. The next election is May 2, 2023.

Election FAQ’s

Are the walking trails going to be gravel or concrete?

In the park there will be a combination of concrete and soft surface trails, the concrete will provide Handicap accessibility as required.

How will potholes in the streets be maintained?

The streets are public owned which means City of Fountain is responsible for maintaining the streets after development.

What is the cost for Renting out the Great Room for the Ventana Residents versus the Fountain Residents?

Currently, the fee for Residents to Rent the Great Room area is a $200.00 security deposit that is fully refundable but subject to cost, if you want access to the pool area additional fees apply at $5/ per person (not a member).  For Fountain Residents, they must join as members first and then fall under the same fee structure as Ventana Members.

Can the Fitness Center be accessible 24/7?

The fitness area is open 24/7 with access by Key Fob.  The Pool is open from 6:00 am – 10:00 pm. 

What type of security will be used for the Rec Center and Pool area to make sure there is no miss-use of the facilities?

Each property owner will be given a key card or access device and will need to use it to access the facility and this will be tracked.  There will be numerous cameras with 24-hour recording.  Signal 88 Security has been hired to monitor activity at the Recreation Center and Pool area.  They will lock up the Pool area at 10:00 pm and if you witness any suspicious activity please call them at (719)960-6233.

Can homeowners change the flowers planted in the flower beds?

Approval from the District Managers needs to be granted based on a plan or a complaint.  If there is a problem, the District will take care of it themselves based on the Manager’s assessment

Can a home owner have a flag pole placed in their yard?

Yes, but there needs to be a plan submitted and sent to the District Managers for approval and the flag has to meet City regulations.

When will trails be completed?

The trails related to the filings will be completed on a per filing bases.  District Management will be checking with Developer as it is their responsibility to complete trails.

What do homeowners do when the Trash Service is not picked up?

The District Managers will talk with the company to make sure they will comply with the Ventana Residents when they call about their trash being missed, otherwise call the District Management office to resolve this problem.

Can anything be done to have a “No Horn” zone for when the train passes by the neighborhood?

No, because the law requires Trains to use their horn when they come to a crossing.  This is a safety concern.

Who holds responsibility for the landscaping between the street and sidewalk on the corner house lots?

The adjacent property owner holds the responsibility for the landscaping/upkeep. CLICK HERE FOR LANDSCAPING RESPONSIBILITY MAP.

When are Board Meetings?

Board meetings are scheduled to occur on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 10:00 am located at the Recreation Center.  Board Meetings are subject to be canceled if the Board decides no business needs to be conducted, there will be posts on the website as they occur.

Now that there is a plan for a community Orchard, who will be in charge of taking care of it?  Will there be a notice sent out to residents informing them if and what chemicals are being used in the Orchard?

​Once the Developers have completed the initial build of the Orchard the District Management will be in charge of the upkeep and we will hire a professional company to maintain the Orchard.  We will also notify the Residents 30 days in advance of any chemicals that may be used in the Orchard.

What can I recycle?​ (visit Waste Connections website for more info)

​Please click here for Waste Connections Recycling Guide.

How will the Pool be maintained?

There is a Maintenance company that is hired to complete ALL pool and spa maintenance and train Ventana Employees how to correct chemical levels.  Chemical levels will be checked 3 times a day as well as remotely monitored.

​When does the City of Fountain start the road maintenance?

This is an agreement made between the Developer and the City of Fountain.

Is the Community Recreation Center public versus the pool?

The Recreation Center and Pool must remain as publicly accessible, but no non members are allowed.  Any Fountain resident can sign up for a membership at a steeper price and must be paid in full at sign up.

Why is there a fuss over trash and weeds when there is so much construction?

Each Resident is responsible for the upkeep on their property per the Covenants, Conditions, and Restriction for the Ventana Community.  If there is an issue with the construction trash being on your property you will need to address those concerns with the Developer.

Who is responsible for weeds on corner lots and sidewalks?

Residents who live on corner lots are responsible for weeds in the areas between the sidewalk and curb, and along the street, sidewalk, and parking areas abutting the property. Per City of Fountain Code Chapter 8 Health and Safety, Sec. 8.04.030. – Overgrown weeds. 

Landscaping Map